
Drop Off Procedure

Transportation Department: K-12 Student Drop Off Procedures

For a safe, smooth morning drop off

AGS car riders arrive from the south via Walnut Street. Proceed counter clockwise around the loop and stay in single file. Drop the AGS students at door #7. Junior High car riders may also be dropped off on the west side at door #1.

ECHS car riders may be dropped in the circle drive between the frontage road and HWY 15.  They should enter via door #3 along with the bus riders.

ECHS & AGS Junior High riders may be dropped on the west side after the 8 a.m. bell and enter via door #1.

DISTRICT BUSES.  Only district buses are allowed on the frontage road from 7:30 a.m. until 8:15 a.m. and all buses have been unloaded.

Ariel view of K-12 Building with arrows showing drop off areas

Click this picture to see a larger version of the drop off diagram.